Friday, September 28, 2012

Pejam celik jumpa balik Jumaat!

Seronok kan bila tgk calendar... 'today is friday'.... memang la senyum sokmo! Memang dah tetiap minggu lalui perkara yang sama tapi tetiap minggu juga kita akan happy bila hari jumaat.

Pelik kan.... Lalui perkara yang sama setiap minggu dan mood yang sama setiap minggu.. :-D

"Friday feel like Saturday 
Sunday feel like Monday!"

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hari-Hariku ~~ kerjaaaaaa 2

Sambungan dari day 1. Sory la lambat..

Day 2 :-

Hari kedua sama seperti hari pertama perasaan seakan tidak dialukan. Pas 2 diorang buat macam tak mesra alam. Dia asik ckp keja 2 ssh sbb direct pd customer. Tak boleh ada silap. Dia terus bercakap dengan nada kerek sampai la satu tahap yang mana ak nak give up keja. Memang tak semangat aku keja sampai petang. Seriously first time aku rasa macam 2. Biasanya ak boleh naikkan semangat aku sendiri dengan berfikir secara positif. Tapi fist time ak rasa down giler.... Rasa macam nak nangis pun ad. Jadi hari kedua ak tak banyak story just sedih2 je.

Day 3 :-

Pagi tu ak datang keja dengan senyuman. Today is thursday right. Shipping is today so quite busy. Ak telah berjaya di motivasikan dan memotivasikan diri ak sendiri. Jadi inisiatif diri ak pegi tolong diaorg packing, tampal barcode, check barg nak kelua sama tak quantity dengan schedule yg svisor ak buat. Penat tolak tepi. Means store department kena la cergas sikit. Dont just make document sometimes also need to help. Just think that as experience. Relax. Thats how im thinking when I doing all the work. Then only I can feel this work actually nice. Just need to SABAR! Pukul 10 driver dh kluar. So dh dpt duduk balik. Ak minta kerja pada supervisor ak. Alhamdulillah hari ini dia mulai ok dengan ak. Dia ckp pon ok xda kerek2. Memang ak bersyukur!

Day 4 :-

Friday. Memang hari yang ditunggu. Ak dh ad kunci atore. Bos ak dh bg. Memandangkan ak datang awal ak la buka store. Tapi pintu besar dia xboleh buka. So ak tunggu svisor ak. Dia tau buka. Kunci special. Ak cuma buka pintu dalam je. Memang ak bersyukur sbb diaorg mmg ok ngan ak. Mungkin permulaan yg ak lalui ak sukar tapi Insyaallah ak akn cuba jalan2 yang seterusnya dengan ksabaran. Dalam bidang pekerjaan ak mempelajari sesuatu. Dari mula ak bkerja sehingga la skarang. Bila kita kerja kita harus tanya orang 'ada apa2 kerja yang nak saya bantu?' ayat yang paling powerful pada ak sbb bila kita rajin tolong org insyaallah orang akan tolong kita. Yang penting jangan lah sesekali duduk buat kerja yang ad dlm job description kita. Kita mmg perlu tlg org kalau nak org tolong kita. Dont be a selfish person, dont just live in your own world. Just be friendly, but dont be kuli sampai org boleh pijak kita. Agk2 je bila tlg org.

p/s : saturday n sunday is offday.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Hari-hariku... ~~ Kerjaaaaaa

Bermula dari 18.09.2012 ak memulakan kerja at tempat lama.. Dia org roger kalau ak nak msk keja c2... Gaji ok la.. Reason ak amik keja c2 nak mnambah pgalamn.. Maklumlah dulu dok prod skng whouse.. Inilah kisah ak selama 3 hari ak dok whouse.

Day 1 : Ak sampai pkarangan kilang jam 7.45am. Terus ak pegi opis menunggu person incharge for HR dept arrived. Around 8.40am barulaj dapat jumpa. Di sebabkan yg incharge HR xdtg so ak berurusan ngan bos HR terus. Dia bg offer letter untuk baca dan fahamkan. Then sign. Pas 2 ak diperkenalkan pd manager yg incharge utk whouse. Manager dia ak rasa ok la. Ak rasa tapi tak tau la. Dalam jam 11.30 dia suruh supervisor whouse dtg. So ak trus pegi warehouse. Supervisor dia ala2 kerek ckit la. Cam gud2. 2 pd pandangan ak la. Ari pertama dia asik membebel je ckp keja dia ssh. Sampai ak dh malas nak dgr... Hari pertama ak berakhir cam 2 je...

Nantikan sbungn Day 2....

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Biasa kalau dengar "Menghargai saat kehilangan"... Pada pendapat ak ungkapan itu memang ungkapan yang benar.. Sama sekali tidak dapat dinafikan. Kerna setiap kalinya berlaku sesuatu barulah perasaan terkilan dan bersalah menghantui diri.

Tapi ak bersyukur dengan kehidupan ak. Family ak steady. Same as my friends. Maybe kalo ada pun kawan2 yang tak bape rapat. Kalau yang rapat tak tahu nak hargai ak memang la xlama org 2. Hehehehe ;-)
Tapi ad juga org yang mengalami situasi "Menghargai saat kehilangan..".. Seseorang yang ak kenali. Bukan dia tak menghargai orang tapi orang yang tak memghargai dia. Keluarga adalah insan yang paling rapat dengan kita.

Membayangkan keluarga sendiri menyisihkan dia ak pulak yang sedih. Mak dia ok tapi kalau dia tak buat apa mak dia nak mesti kena pulau. Dah la 2 dia keja shift malam kot. Kalau mak ak mesti ak blk je suh tido dulu. Keja malam ngan siang betul2 berbeza. Bukankah lebih baik jika seorang ibu dpat mamahami tak banyak pun sikit la.

Si anak kerja utk ibu jadi jgn la sbb dia balik keja xsempat nak wat kerja2 rumah kena pulau pulak. Kesian dia ak tgk. Ni mak dia dh tak ckp ngan dia. Tgk muka dia emo je. Dh la tpt keja pun prob.
Ak arap sgt dia ngan mak dia akn ok. :-)

p/s : pendapat ak yg tua tak semestinya betul dan yang muda tak semestinya salah.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Arang and The Magistrate Episode 8 Preview

Arang and the Magistrate Episode 8 Synopsis by Softy

E asks D: arang – what happened to her? D: she fell off the cliff so what do you think happened to her. E goes after her
J hides with arang and watches E ride off
E wonders: amnesia – where did you go?
E yells out arang’s name
J asks looking at a sleeping arang: what are you so that person gave me those orders?
Mu young asks: do you know who that is? Jades: it’s not important who that person is. Mu: that does girl arang have any connections with this
E’s mom sees J being friendly with arang and says his name in an angry tone
J: until I know what she intends to do I wont give that girl over
E walks over and yells: what are you doing over there?
*I just knew J would fall in love with arang. this is going to be sooo good for E to have some competition for her affections
There’s no question that Lee Jun Ki and Shin Min Ah have electrifying chemistry, so, it’s my wish that the romance between Arang and Eun Oh would be nurtured as much as the overarching mystery that’s driving the narrative. The initial attraction (lust) was there, and quickly, the two settled into a relationship that resembled more like an overly comfortable bickering couple. But the part about falling for each other has been overlooked, taking a backseat to peeling back this drama’s mysteries.
I still love everything about this show, but kickstarting the romance will make me love it more. :) We may get that in the next episode, with Eun Oh clearly becoming jealous of Arang and Joo Wal, but I’d rather not see the OTP fighting again.

Credit to :- Oh Kpop

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Arang and The Magistrate Preview Episode 7

Arang and The Magistrate, one of the best drama in this season.

Translation :-

Eun Oh: What are these talismans?
Lady Seo: What’s meant to come to pass has finally arrived. It’s all because of you!
Joo Wal: I confirmed that she stopped breathing! But I don’t know how she resurrected and then ran away.
Lady Seo: A dead person that resurrected?
The King of Hell: The humans in the human realm cannot track it.
Jade Emperor: Don’t we have that child? The secret final weapon.
Arang: Why are you still chasing after me?
Moo Young: Woo Ryung, could it be you?
Lady Seo: The seal has been broken and they will quickly find it. You guys are finally of use now.
Arang: Magistrate, you can’t lose consciousness!

Source : Koala

Monday, September 3, 2012

Faith Korean Drama ~~ Currently Airing


Title: 신의 (信義) / Shineui
Also known as: The Great Doctor (神醫)
Tagline: Fantasy and history will meet. Person and person will meet. Person and heaven will meet.
Genre: Historical, romance, time travel, fantasy
Episodes: 24
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2012-Aug-13 to 2012-Oct-30
Air time: Monday & Tuesday 21:55


This drama shows the romance between a warrior from the ancient times and a female doctor from the modern times, their love transcending time and space. It will also tell the story about the process of making a true king.

Yoo Eun Soo (Kim Hee Sun) is a 33-year old plastic surgeon in the year 2012. She was originally a general surgeon, but quickly found that it was an overworked, under-paid profession and jumped ship to plastic surgery. Her dream is to someday open her own practice. But one day, Choi Young (Lee Min Ho) kidnaps her and takes her back to the Goryeo era because needing her medical skills. Their love story spans centuries but also warring beliefs. He gave up on love to be an unflinching warrior.


Lee Min Ho as Choi Young

Kim Hee Sun as Yoo Eun Soo


Mood ~~> Holiday!

Perasan tak rasa macam banyak jek cuti beberapa minggu ni. Last week Merdeka and next week 1M.  Seronok sebenarnya bila cuti nih. Mood pun :-)...

Cuti-cuti apa aktiviti yang ada untuk memastikan cuti ini amat lah bermakna pada korang.  Macam aku :-

1- Bangun pagi lewat. :-D

2- Jalan-jalan makan angin walaupun dekat. Yang penting ad orang yg disayangi.

3- Tonton drama/movie korean.

4- Memasak (Ni amat jarang berlaku)

Ni lah antara aktiviti aku kalau cuti. Paling kerap buat perkara 2&3. Seronok gila CUTI!

Tapi kalau musim raya aktiviti yang 'famous' berjalan raya di rumah org @ g umah terbuka..

Cam ne pon Memang SeRonoK bila CuTi!
